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Put your heart in it and the sky will clear.

Put your heart in it and the sky will clear.

Put your heart in it and the sky will clear.


Hi friends 💕

First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by and read my blog post today! This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in the dark Morning hours.  

Allow me to set the scene as I begin sharing some thoughts with you. I am currently sitting at my desk in my home it is currently 59 degrees in LA this is not our norm; I miss the sun... Jay Z (pound cake) lightly playing on Alexa and a hot black coffee to the right of me.

Ahh, smells so good...   

You know those random pondering thoughts you get when we are close to making a huge decision.... I'm sure you've been there before.

Ex- Should I begin dating again? Should I start the business? Should I relocate? Etc...

There is a little part in all of us that wants to tell that complainer to zip it, there is a little part in all of us that wants to speak our truth and be brave enough to feel our world shake, there are dreams that we all hold dear somewhere deep in our heart, but somewhere along the years of adulting, work, motherhood, or being something to someone that we have talked ourselves out of that dream. 

Just a few weeks ago I found myself feeling so much frustration because I could not make a firm decision on what subject I wanted to discuss with you all on my blog for the month of May. YES!! Something that simple.

Truth is I was being very tough on myself. Aren't we all???

We all have a purpose with our life and our souls and sometimes we just need a reminder to listen to the voice which is telling us what to do. That doesn't mean we need to rush that voice or urgently accomplish that thing which we desire, it just means we need to begin taking steps towards that light which is shining for us.  

Don't wait for the "perfect moment" or "good enough moment" before you allow yourself to begin, or you'll end up waiting forever. The universe does not allow perfection. Without fails and gaps, there would be no growth. I feel like nature depends on imperfection. I've learned to allow for the imperfections to unfold this is the only way to truly learn and grow. 

Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. The vibration of being you and doing what you love is magnetic. You will align everything you need in your life with that energy. Each one of our paths is very unique, embrace this.

I have taken a huge JUMP and my jump comes from a very sacred, beautiful place deep in my heart and soul, so when I begin to doubt at all, the universe catches me cradles me and tells me Hey girl, "we got this, jump and I will handle the rest."

Put your heart in it and the sky will clear. ✨

It is truthfully that simple. See when you make up your mind about anything you wish to accomplish, and you firmly hold the vision and move with love and good intentions it's like you shift your very own reality. 

Have your feet firmly planted on the present moment while working towards your dreams and remember to remain grateful at all times. 


"Our attitude towards our world and towards all the people in it is what determines the worlds attitude and other people's attitude toward us." 


Life is a mirrored reflection of what lies inside of us individually. The happiest people forgive, forget, love, help, care & smile.   

Shift your reality and move with genuine love and watch your world change for the better.

You have ONE life, Live your Dream!

Visualize your highest self then show up as HER! 

Remember, put your heart in it and the sky will clear! ❤️

Talk Again Soon...


Your Friend-

Carol G. Owner / Founder Shop Bella Mona. 





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