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UpLevel Your Life ✨

You are just Steps away from Up leveling your life.✨

 You are just Steps away from Up leveling your life. ✨


"If you want a life that’s different from what you have right now, all you have to do is change your mind about it."


 Fresh Start-

The way you take on the day influences the rest of it, so even if you’re not a morning person, carving out (me time) allows you to move through the motions with a healthy approach. Avoid reaching for your phone and instead Pray,  Meditate, or Journal as you sip your morning coffee. Think about what you are grateful for and plan out your day. Making small changes and keeping to the routine will allow you to stay focused and motivated. 👌


Begin taking steps-

How can you work toward achieving what you want if you haven’t set your intentions yet?

Really, think about it.

Have you sat down and visualized yourself at your highest potential?

Did you write down realistic daily goals to get to where you want to be? 

What is stopping you from doing so?  

Your personal space sets the tone for your mindset. Pick a room that you can completely focus on and make it special. The first step is to tidy up any clutter and keep it clean. Remember this is the space you want to sit down and feel like a King / Queen and let your Creativity bloom.

I can honestly say that I love my life. Of course, it isn’t perfect, but most of the problems I create for myself are a result of my own thinking. The only thing that can ever make a day less than perfect is a negative story that I’m telling myself, and this is where self-discipline comes in.   

Carve in at least 15 minutes of Exercise daily. Not only will doing so boost your confidence, but you might also notice areas for improvement and implement working on them. This says to the universe, “Bring it on.” You are getting that energy in motion.

Getting outdoors to breath in some fresh air does wonders to clear your head so you can feel ready to take on your next move. When you feel rested, energized, and healthy, you perform at your best level. Environments like the outdoors replenish mental energy and alleviated stress. Head outside for a short walk, get some sun and enjoy the change in scenery, take a deep breath, and get back to it.

You’re bound to have those days when nothing goes right. Don’t get down on yourself if things aren’t going exactly your way. Try to see the positive and look for the lesson in the difficulty. Be aware of your choices, actions and thoughts. Your reality is a mirror of what's going on inside. Practice Optimism this will allow you to put more effort into achieving your goals.

When you’re a woman who truly loves her life, it shows. It’s the energy you show up with, and it’s very contagious. Create a life you are inspired by. Mimic that Woman you admire so much. Challenge yourself daily and be inspired by your own life. This is how you grow.

You are the creator of your future. The universe knows your deepest desires wishes and intentions. Believe YOU are deserving of them. Go out there and do good for the world.  

In time, you will be walking your path. 


Talk again soon...

Carol G. Owner / Founder of Bella Mona















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